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[Github | six-two/mkdocs-placeholder-plugin] [PyPI | mkdocs-placeholder-plugin] [Documentation |]

This plugin allows you to use placeholders in your website, that can be dynamically updated.


  • Easy to create input fields for users to change placeholder values.
  • Uses localStorage, so you (probably) don't need a cookie banner. Data will persistent across visits unless the user's browser is configured to clear the data (private browsing mode)
  • You can automatically add inputs for all placeholders used on a page.


Generally smaller version updates (for example 0.2.4 -> 0.2.5) can contain new features and bug fixes that do not significantly break backwards compatibility. Minor version updates (0.1.X -> 0.2.0) will have significant breaking changes, so you will want to check the changelog before updating. You should probably also use version pinning, to make sure that you do not install new versions (without checking that they do not break your config first).

Migrating 0.3.x -> 0.4.0

You will need to do some adjustments to your mkdocs.yml and placeholder-plugin.yaml:

  1. Open mkdocs.yml and comment out all of this plugin's settings except for the ones specified in Configuration > Plugin Settings.
  2. Open placeholder-plugin.yaml, indent all lines and add placeholders: to the top of the file.
  3. If you use custom validators, create a validators: section in placeholder-plugin.yaml, paste your existing validators there, and reference them in the placeholders you copied them from (see Validators > Custom validators > Example)
  4. Search your docs for <placeholdertable. Replace any such tags either with manually created tables or the following:
    <div class="auto-input-table" data-hide-empty data-columns="description-or-name,input"></div>
  5. Optional: Check Configuration > Placeholder settings for any settings you have commented out in step 1 and put them in a settings: section in placeholder-plugin.yaml.


Then click Next or use the search function (in the top right corner) to learn more. If you want to play around a bit, check out the demo page. You can also checkout the source code of the plugin and this site at the Github repository.