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Plugin settings

These settings are specified in your MkDocs configuration file (by default mkdocs.yml).

Option Type Default value
enabled bool True
js_output_dir str assets/javascripts/
placeholder_css str assets/javascripts/placeholder-plugin.css
placeholder_extra_js str empty string
placeholder_file str placeholder-plugin.yaml

You can set these values like this:

- placeholder:
    enabled: True
    js_output_dir: assets/javascripts/
    placeholder_css: assets/javascripts/placeholder-plugin.css
    placeholder_extra_js: ""
    placeholder_file: placeholder-plugin.yaml


When you set this to false, the extension will be disabled. This allows you to for example conditionally disable this plugin if a specific environment variable is used.


The directory where the JavaScript files will be written to. It should not contain any files with the following names, since they may be overwritten by the plugin:

  • placeholder.min.js
  • placeholder-data.js
  • placeholder-combined.js


The path to the file, where the plugin will write its CSS (cascading style sheets) code to. There are three different setups you can do:

  1. Point it to an existing file with CSS code. In this case, the plugin will append its own code (leaving your code in place) and ensure that the file is sourced. You can use this to add custom styling for placeholder elements.
  2. Point to an empty / non-existent file. In this case, the plugin will create the file and fill it with the default styling.
  3. Specify an empty string (""). In this case, the plugin will not provide any styles, so you have total control over (and responsibility for) the visual representation of placeholders, input fields, automatic input tables, etc.

CSS file. If it exists, the contents will be appended to. Add an empty string to not include the default styles


This file will be read and inserted into the JavaScript file created by the plugin. It will be loaded before the plugin is run, so you can use it to supply custom JavaScript functions for use with the plugin (for example used as a default-function in a placeholder).


The placeholders, validators, and MkDocs independent settings (see next section) will be read from this file. This path should be either relative to the root of the directory or relative to the MkDocs configuration file. Usually both values are the same, except when you do something like this:

mkdocs gh-deploy --config-file ../my-mkdocs-project/mkdocs.yml --remote-branch master

Placeholder settings

These settings are specified in your placeholder configuration file (by default placeholder-plugin.yaml).

Option Type Default value
apply_change_on_focus_change bool True
auto_placeholder_tables bool True
create_no_js_fallback bool True
debug_javascript bool False
dynamic_prefix str d
dynamic_suffix str d
editable_prefix str e
editable_suffix str e
expand_auto_tables bool True
html_prefix str i
html_suffix str i
inline_editors bool True
inline_editor_style string simple
normal_is_alias_for str editable
normal_prefix str x
normal_suffix str x
replace_delay_millis int 0
show_warnings bool True
static_prefix str s
static_suffix str s

You can set these values like this:

    apply_change_on_focus_change: true
    auto_placeholder_tables: true
    create_no_js_fallback: true
    debug_javascript: false
    dynamic_prefix: d
    dynamic_suffix: d
    editable_prefix: e
    editable_suffix: e
    expand_auto_tables: true
    html_prefix: i
    html_suffix: i
    inline_editors: true
    inline_editor_style: simple
    normal_is_alias_for: editable
    normal_prefix: x
    normal_suffix: x
    replace_delay_millis: 0
    show_warnings: true
    static_prefix: s
    static_suffix: s


Save and apply values entered into textbox fields when the user changes focus away from the field (presses Tab, clicks somewhere else, etc).


When enabled the plugin will add an automatic input table to the top of every page. You can disable this if you manually want to specify them (or have them at very specific locations) or rely entirely on inline editors.


Create fallback values, so that users with browsers where the code does not run (incompatible/very old browser, JavaScript is disabled, ...) will see a somewhat presentable page filled with the default values (for placeholders, input elements, and input tables). However, since the JavaScript code does not run, users can not update/change any placeholders and the input fields are disabled.

This creates slightly bigger pages and takes some extra time during the build process, so you can disable it if you feel like that situation will not happen.


If enabled, JavaScript debugging messages will be printed to the browser's console. These include information such as:

  • The placeholder / configuration data passed by the plugin to the JavaScript code
  • How many input elements of each type were found on the page
  • Which placeholders were replaced and approximately how often

If enabled, it will also add the source map file, so that you can see the unminified source code and have more meaningful stack traces. If disabled, all JavaScript generated by this plugin is merged into a single file instead and no source maps are provided.


Whether to expand automatic placeholder tables by default.


Whether to enable inline editors by default. Inline editors allow you to change a placeholder from anywhere it is inserted into the page by clicking it.


This determines how inline editors are styled. The available options are:

  • simple: will highlight the placeholders with color. When hovered it will show an underline and an icon, signifying the placeholder type and where the value starts / ends.
  • icons: will highlight the placeholders with color and dashed underline. It will always display the icon.
  • custom: this is for if you want to use custom highlighting such as for example use a specific background color. It applies almost no styling (except the cursor style) to placeholders, so that they look like normal text. You can include custom CSS in mkdocs and prefix your own CSS rules with .inline-editor-custom so that they are only applied when the user selects this style. Example rule:
    .inline-editor-custom .placeholder-value-editable {
        color: white;
        background-color: green;
        border-radius: 5px;

*_prefix and *_suffix

Use with care

There are a bunch values ways, that may break your placeholder replacement. So please do not do any of the following:

  • Use something that will be split up by syntax highlighting in code listings or is modified by the Markdown parser (example: _NAME_ -> <i>NAME</i>).
  • Use both an empty prefix and suffix (NAME). This may (at the very least) be problematic in combination with placeholder tables.
  • Use characters that have special meanings in regular expressions (*, |, ., [, ...). While it should work in theory, it may lead to bugs if I forgot to add escaping somewhere.
  • Use empty prefixes / suffixes if you have similarly named variables. For example if you have two placeholders called PASSWORD and PASSWORD_ADMIN, you will run into troubles if you do not use a suffix (<prefix>PASSWORD_ADMIN may become <ValueOfPASSWORD>_ADMIN).

My recommendation is to both use a suffix and a prefix and make them only contain lowercase characters and underscores (like var_NAME_html).

This defines the pattern that will be used to detect when you want to replace a placeholder (and with what replacement method). When replacing placeholders, the site is searched for the following pattern: <prefix><placeholder_name><suffix>. For example if you use normal_prefix: var_ and normal_suffix: n, then placeholders will need to use the format var_NAMEn instead of xNAMEx.


This defines what replacement method normal placeholders (by default xPLACEHOLDERx) should use. Valid values are:

  • dynamic: Use dynamic placeholders without inline editors.
  • editable: Use dynamic placeholders with inline editors.
  • html: Use InnerHTML replacement method. Use this at your own risk
  • static: Use the static replacement. Also not recommended.


This value determines, when the replacement should be triggered:

  • x < 0: Replace the placeholders as soon as the script is executed. I need this to make replacements in Mermaid diagrams work.
  • x == 0: Replace the placeholders as soon as the document.onload event is fired (when the page is fully loaded). This is the current default value.
  • x > 0: After the document.onload event is fired, wait x milliseconds, then replace the placeholders.


This plugin will print warnings if it detects potential errors like:

  • Input fields that are linked to a not defined variable name.
  • Variable names that do not match the recommended naming conventions/format.

If you know what you are doing and these warnings annoy you, you can disable them with show_warnings: false.