Replace modes

Replace modes define how placeholders are replaced in the page via the JavaScript code. Usually you will only need the default placeholders (xPLACEHOLDER_NAMEx), but you can use the other ones as well. You can mix and match them as you like on any page. However be advised, that some types do not support dynamic reloading, so the whole page would need to be reloaded if the placeholder (or any placeholder its value contains) are changed.

Available modes


[Default pattern | xPLACEHOLDER_NAMEx]

Unless there is a good reason to use something else, you should probably default to using this. Currently just is an alias for editable, but may change in the future. You can also explicitly map it to any replacement method with the normal_is_alias_for setting in your placeholder file.


[Default pattern | iPLACEHOLDER_NAMEi] [Change requires reload | true] [Replace locations | anywhere (whole DOM)] [Safe | false]

Replaces the element anywhere in the pages HTML (inside inline scripts, inline styles, HTML tags and attributes, etc). May lead to cross-site scripting attacks and other problems if you use it. To allow this, you need to set replace_everywhere: true for all placeholders, that use this feature.


[Default pattern | dPLACEHOLDER_NAMEd] [Change requires reload | false] [Replace locations | text nodes] [Safe | true]

Replaces element with a placeholder wrapper. This enables updating the element in-place and is necessary if you want to highlight the placeholders. This method explicitly disables inline editors.


[Default pattern | ePLACEHOLDER_NAMEe] [Change requires reload | false] [Replace locations | text nodes] [Safe | true]

Replaces element with a placeholder wrapper. This enables updating the element in-place and is necessary if you want to highlight the placeholders. It is also required for the inline editors (requires version 0.5.0 or later).

For read-only placeholders this is functionally equivalent to the dynamic replace scheme, since no inline editors will be shown for them.

Direct / Static

[Default pattern | sPLACEHOLDER_NAMEs] [Change requires reload | true] [Replace locations | text nodes] [Safe | true]

Replaces element directly.


If you have a placeholder that contains another placeholder (and allow_nested is true for it), the value of the placeholder will be resolved, before it is written to the page. This may cause the page to reload when you did not expect it.


You have an element, that uses the InnerHTML or Direct method, and it references a dynamic placeholder. If you now change the value of the dynamic placeholder, the whole page needs to be reloaded. Why? Because the change triggered the change of the outer placeholder, that needs a reload to replace the page.